The Most Common Reasons Your Circuit Breaker Is Tripping in Clairemont, CA

circuit breaker tripped

You’re in the kitchen making dinner when suddenly, your lights go out, the stove shuts off, and your family sighs with annoyance. Your circuit breaker has tripped yet again, so off you go to reset it. Why on earth does this keep happening?

If you’re wondering why your circuit breaker tripped again, find the answers in this guide from the top electrician in Clairemont, CA.

Why Is Your Clairemont Circuit Breaker Tripped?

Circuit breakers can trip for quite a few reasons. Some of them, such as a loose connection, are an easy fix. Others might require expensive repairs or even a full replacement. Check out some of the most common reasons why circuit breakers trip below.

Power-Hungry Appliances

Does your circuit breaker always seem to trip when you’re running multiple appliances at the same time? Circuits can only handle so much of a load, and when that load is too high, expect your breaker to trip.

Power-sucking appliances, such as the oven, air conditioner, dishwasher, and clothes dryer, take a heavy toll on circuits. If you have several of these appliances running on a single circuit, you might be rushing to reset the breaker more often than you’d like.

This is why pros recommend dedicating specific circuits for high-powered appliances. If even that doesn’t work, your electrical panel might be too outdated to handle your power needs.

Overloaded Circuits

Circuits are designed with a failsafe that tells them to shut off when they get too hot. Circuits can overload if you’ve connected one too many appliances, but sometimes, they overheat and shut down for other reasons, like a component failure.

You’ve likely got an overloaded circuit problem if you notice:

  • Burning and smoking smells
  • Hot or melted plastic
  • Corroded wires

If you spot these signs, your electrical panel is at risk of causing a fire, so call for repairs right away.

Short Circuits

A short circuit occurs when two nodes, which are supposed to be at different voltages, develop an improper connection. Hot wires coming into contact with neutral or other hot wires can cause short circuits, too.

Short circuits are extremely dangerous because they can cause an arc fault, which happens when electricity leaps between two connections. This “jumping” action causes sparks to fly, which can set off a fire.

If your circuit breaker tripped because of a short circuit, turn off the power and call for help quickly.

Ground-Fault Surges

Ground-fault surges occur when the breaker recognizes that electricity is no longer moving along the proper path. The system shuts itself off to prevent further damage.

Having your system shut down because of a ground fault is annoying, but without this failsafe, you could have a nasty fire to put out. On top of that, any electronics plugged into the circuit could fry and break down for good. The last thing you want is to spend a few grand replacing your AC, fridge, or stove.

Lightning Strikes

The weather in Clairemont is usually pretty nice and sunny, but we do get our share of bad storms every now and then. If lightning happens to strike your circuit breaker, it’ll overload and shut down.

Lightning strikes can do serious damage to your electronics too. To prevent irreparable damage, consider installing a surge protector, which’ll direct sudden electrical spikes away from your delicate devices.

Worn-Out Breakers

Circuit breakers are pretty tough—there are plenty of old homes in Clairemont with ancient electrical systems that are still running just fine. That said, your circuit breaker is bound to fail eventually, and when that happens, you’ll need to schedule a replacement.

Circuit breakers typically last anywhere from 30 to 40 years. If you’d like yours to stand the test of time, be sure to schedule regular electrical system maintenance. A technician will inspect your breaker and tell you about small issues before they become bigger problems.

Faulty Wiring

Sometimes, circuit breakers fail because their wiring is just plain bad. This commonly happens when amateurs try to do their own electrical work or hire someone to do the job for bottom-of-the-barrel prices.

Unless you have electrical training, don’t attempt to install or work on your circuit breaker. Always stick with licensed electricians who know what they’re doing.

Wondering Why Your Circuit Breaker Tripped? Call Our Pros in Clairemont

If you’ve had it up to here with your circuit breaker constantly tripping, call the experts from Point Loma Electric and Plumbing. We’ve proudly served the Clairemont area since 1988, and we can diagnose any problem that’s plaguing your electrical system. Call today to hire an electrician or top-notch plumber from our team.

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